Namibia with Hoanib Valley Camp – 9 nights



Prices: approx $5915 per person excl flights


Various options available for flights to Windhoek or Swakopmund. (Slight changes in itinerary when starting from Windhoek)

Swakopmund –
Strand Hotel

Stay at the 5 star Strand Hotel in Swakopmund on the beach for two nights. We can organise some activities in and around Swakopmund in the desert for the morning after arrival and lunch at the Brauhaus (typically German with fantastic food) in the centre of town (walking distance from the Hotel). Or the Jetty 1905 restaurant which is in the ocean.

Shipwreck Lodge

Swakopmund to Mowe bay (1hr30 minute flight) I hr 30 minutes road transfer

Hoanib Valley Camp:

Mowe Bay to Hoanib Valley Camp (25 minute flight) 2 hour nature drive to the Hoanib Valley Camp

Swakopmund: Strand Hotel

Hoanib Valley Camp – Doro Nawas (refuel) – Swakopmund/Walvis Bay   

1hour 45 minutes with a 2 hour drive fly to Joburg with BA then back home.


Hoanib Valley Camp – Doro Nawas (refuel) – Windhoek                             

2hours with a 2 hour drive fly home via Frankfurt to London with Air Namibia.

This route is a long way home but there is an option to do another night in Windhoek before flying out.

Enquire about this deal

Interested in this tour/hotel? Contact us for more info.

Email: or WhatsApp: +27844878094

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